Monday, March 31, 2014

Defining a Customer Segment

 EQ - How does an entrepreneur select a profitable customer segment?
  1. Mini-lesson - Empathy Map
  2. Try It - DHS Cafeteria
  3. Developing a Customer Persona
  4. Jigsaw - 5 basic customer segments
  5. Discussion - How can we use the results of our empathy map to determine our customer segment?
  6. Define your business's customer segment
    1. Use your notes & customer persona
    2. Justify your decision in 1 paragraph 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A new business model - Wu Tang 

EQ - How does a business use empathy to connect with its customer segment?
  1. Activator: Cartoon
    1. PowerPoint
  2. Empathy In Business
    1. Actively Read the Perspective 
    2. Discussion Question - What message is the author trying to convey?
  3. Collaborative Pairs Brainstorming
    1. What might your customer segment(s) want?
  4. Introduction to the Empathy Map "XPLANE"
  5. Empathy Map Example - Microsoft 
  6. Try it Together - On the board
  7. Shifting Perspectives - No More Us Vs. Them 
  8. TOD - Answer the EQ

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Customer Segments

EQ - How are customer segments an integral part of a business model?
  1. Activator - Business Model Quiz
  2. Homework Review - Examples of Customer Segments
  3. Muddy Point Clarification

 EQ - How does a business use empathy to connect with its customer segment?
  1. Activator: Cartoon
    1. PowerPoint
  2. Empathy In Business
    1. Actively Read the Perspective 
    2. Discussion Question - What message is the author trying to convey?
  3. Collaborative Pairs Brainstorming
    1. What might your customer segment(s) want?
  4. Introduction to the Empathy Map "XPLANE"
  5. Empathy Map Example - Microsoft 
  6. Try it Together - On the board
  7. Shifting Perspectives - No More Us Vs. Them 
  8. TOD - Answer the EQ

Friday, March 21, 2014


  1. Activator - Create a list of bad, terrible, stupid, or gross idea.
    1. List formation
    2. Turn the tide - Turn a horrible idea into a good one by either considering its opposite, or by finding some aspect within the terrible idea that can be used to inspire a good one
  2. Utilize the business model canvas to generate a rough draft of how this idea can turn profitable
  3. Sharing Ideas

EQ - How are customer segments an integral part of a business model?
  1.  Advanced Organizer
  2. Introduction to Customer Segments
    • What?
    • How?
    • Why?
  3. Jigsaw - Examples of Customer Segments (5)
    1. Customer Segment Handout
    2. Online Search
    3. Group Share 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Intro to Business Models

EQ - How can a business model aid in the development of a business plan?

1.      Activator: Tony the Technician (p. 64)
2.      Collaborative Pairs – Discuss a time when you made plans.
o    Why did you actually plan?
o    Why was it important for you to plan?
3.      Walt Disney’s Plan (p. 67)
4.      Intro to a Business Plan (Foldable)
o    What?
o    Purpose?
o    Why is one important?
5.      White Board Debriefing
6.      Elements of a Business Plan (p. 70-77)
o    Intro. (Title Page, Statement of Purpose, Executive Summary)
o    Marketing (Product/Service, Market, Industry, Location)
o    Finance (Identification of Risk, Financials, Capital needed, ROI)
o    Operations (Day-to-day mgmt, hiring procedures, 3 keys)
o    Conclusion (Goals & Objectives)
7.      Whoa, Whoa, Whoa…Not so fast 
   o    Tool to simplify this process
o    Intro to Canvas video

  1. Introduction - Business Models
    • What?
    • Why?
    • How?
  2. Business Model Generation Advanced Organizer*
  3. A breakdown of the components *

Monday, March 17, 2014

4 Core Functions of Business

EQ - How has Apple incorporated the four functions of business into its operations?

Please access your laptop and visit the class website
  1. Activator - Quote Analysis
  2. Four Main Areas of Business *PPT*
  3. Inquiry - Apple's Four Major Areas *Use the Annual Report*

Thursday, March 13, 2014


  1. Q&A
  2. Unit 2 Exam
  3. Exam Survey

EQ - How can I develop a million dollar business this week?
  1. Activator - Whiteboard Challenge
  2. My Challenge to You (Page one of the packet)
  3. Actively Read the Million Dollar Idea Packet
    • Mark up the packet with your thoughts, ideas, and questions (The more the merrier)
  4. Share your thoughts, ideas, and questions with a partner
    1. Gain a new perspective
    2. Help your classmates answer questions
  5. Try it for Yourself - Follow Noah's steps and see what you can do during this class period
    1. Find a profitable idea (p 3-4)
    2. Find $1,000,000 worth of customers (4-7)
    3. Assess your customer's value (7-8)
    4. Validate your idea (8-10)
    5. Killing your inner "Want-repreneur" (No more wannabe's)
  6. 5 Minute TOD 
    1. Create a list of your accomplishments during this class period
    2. Where would you like to take your idea next?
    3. What can Mr. Hill do to help you?
    4. Concept Connect - How can Google trends help you determine supply and demand levels for your idea?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Profit Equation

EQ - How is profit determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit?
  1. Activator - Quiz
  2. The Profit Equation *PPT
    1. Revenue
    2. Expenses (Fixed/Variable)
  3. Calculating Profit
  4. The Supply and Demand Connection
  5. Try It - Develop a Profit Equation
  6. Making Connections
    1. Answer all 3 LEQ's
    2. Use your answers to explain how economic decisions are made.
  7. Revisiting the Activator
    1. TodaysMeet
  8. Unit Exam Announcement

Coffee Shop Simulation

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fundamentals of Pricing

EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit
  1. Activator - Partnership Activity: Lemonade Stand
    1. Discussion
      1. How does this activity demonstrate the laws of supply and demand?
      2. What decisions were made using the laws of supply and demand?
      3. Describe how you might improve your results.
      4. Did you experience a surplus or deficit during the Lemonade Stand activity?  Explain.
      5. How did you try to return to equilibrium?
  2.  Muddy Points
  3. Activator - Key Concept Check-in
  4. The Profit Equation *PPT
    1. Revenue
    2. Expenses (Fixed/Variable)
  5. Calculating Profit
  6. The Supply and Demand Connection
  7. Try It - Develop a Profit Equation
  8. Making Connections
    1. Answer all 3 LEQ's
    2. Use your answers to explain how economic decisions are made.
  9. Revisiting the Activator
    1. TodaysMeet
  10. Unit Exam Announcement

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Supply and Demand

EQ -  How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
  1.  Activator - Ice Cream Survey
    1. Free
    2. $0.50
    3. $1.00
    4. $1.50
    5. $2.00
    6. $2.50
    7. $3.00
  2. TPS - Review of the S & D curves
    1. Demand 
    2. Supply
    3. Equilibrium
  3. Together - Charting Supply and Demand of Ice Cream
  4. On Your Own - Donuts
  5. Introduction to Surplus vs. Deficit
  6. Together - Surplus or Deficit: Ice Cream
  7. On Your Own - Donuts
  8. Partnership Activity: Lemonade Stand
    1. Discussion
      1. How does this activity demonstrate the laws of supply and demand?
      2. What decisions were made using the laws of supply and demand?
      3. Describe how you might change your results.
      4. Did you experience a surplus or deficit during the Lemonade Stand activity?  Explain.
      5. How did you try to return to equilibrium?
  9.  Muddy Points

Monday, March 3, 2014

Supply and Demand, and Pricing

 EQ - How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
  1. Activator - Team Vocabulary Review
    1. Needs, Wants, Factors of Production, Scarcity, Opportunity Cost, Supply, Demand, Equilibrium, Surplus, Deficit
  2. Muddy Points
  3. Activator: Supply and Demand Game
  4. Vocabulary Review - Opportunity Cost and Scarcity 
  5. TPS - Focus on Economics (p. 49)
  6. Intro to the S & D curves
    1. Demand 
    2. Supply
    3. Equilibrium
    4. Surplus v. Deficit
  7. Knowledge Check (Question #1 p. 54)
EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit?
  1. Activator - How much should a McDouble really cost?
  2. Defining Key Terms
  3. The effect of Price on Supply and Demand Curves
  4. Supply and Demand Joining Forces
  5. Critical Thinking
  6. Muddy Points