

Donegal High School

Mr. Hill

This course will give students an idea of what is involved in opening their own business.  They will learn about famous entrepreneurs throughout history, how they started their business, and what made them so successful.   They will learn how to solve problems that may come up in a business as well as learn the differences between needs and wants.  Students will learn about business plans and how to meet their target market.  Along with running a business you need to know how to market your products, so students will need to go through the steps of marketing a product, and indicate how they will determine the way in which to promote and distribute these products as well.

We will use the concepts presented in Business Model Generation to create a business model and develop a business plan.

Course Outline & Objectives

Unit 1 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Becoming an Entrepreneur
  • Exploring Ideas & Opportunities
  • Types of Businesses
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Business Ownership
  • Entrepreneurial Problem Solving
Unit 2 – Entrepreneurial Economics
  • Supply & Demand
  • Economic Decisions
  • Costs of Doing Business
  • The Profit Equation
Unit 3 – Business Plan
  • Importance of a Business Plan
  • Business Plan Components
  • Creating an Effective Business Plan
Unit 4 - Marketing
  • Market Segmentation
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Plan
  • Selling & Promotion
Unit 5 – Forms of Ownership
  • Methods of Entry
  • Legal Forms of Business
  • Legal Issues in Business
Unit 6 – Business Development
  • Location
  • Space & Design
  • Overhead
Unit 7 - Financing
  • Raising Capital
  • Financial Reports
  • Accounting
Unit 8 – Operations Management
  • Functions of Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Financial Management
Unit 9 – Human Resources
  • Staffing
  • Human Relations
Unit 10 – Risk Management
  • Business Risks
  • Insurance Options
Unit 11 – Growth Strategies
  • Product Life Cycle
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Trends

Textbooks, Equipment, and Materials

  1. Textbooks
    1. Business Model Generation
    2. Various News/Journal Articles
    3. Class Blog
  2. Equipment
    1. Microsoft Windows
    2. Computers
    3. Printers
    4. Student Account
    5. World Wide Web
    6. Promethean


  1.  In-class exercises
  2. Class Participation
  3. Homework
  4. Quizzes
  5. Tests
  6. Projects
  7. Final


 A.   The academic grade will be determined by an evaluation of all assignments and assessments.
 B.    The work ethic grade will be determined by participation, behavior,  preparation, and completion of assignments.
 C.    Grading Scale
A+=98% - 100%
A=93% - 97%
A-=90% - 92%
B+=87% - 89%
B=83% - 86%
B-=80% - 82%
C+=77% - 79%
C=73% - 76%
C-=70% - 72%
D+=67% - 69%
D=63% - 66%
F=Below 63%

Work Ethic

In addition to the academic grade, a work ethics grade (indicated as Citizenship on the report card) will be issued each quarter. This grade is based on your attendance, dependability, initiative, participation, cooperation and behavior. Refer to your student handbook for descriptions of behavior and ethics warranted for each grade. The scale used for ethics is as follows:

                                    (H)       Honorable
                                    (S)       Satisfactory
                                    (N)       Needs Improvement
                                    (W)      Weak


You will only be assigned homework occasionally due to the nature of this course. All homework and in-class assignments are expected to be completed by the due date. In the event you do not complete work fully and/or by the due date, you will receive a 10 percent reduction for each day the work is late.  After your assignment is 5 days late, it will not be accepted.

Second Chance Assessments
In some instances, you may be motivated to request a second chance on an assessment. Should you wish to challenge yourself to improve your learning, you may earn an opportunity to retake certain assessments.  Please understand that a Second Chance/Retake is not automatic and will require you to complete a remediation program.  You will have 1 class meeting to decide whether you would like to request a retake.  Upon receiving permission to retake an assessment, you will have 5 school days to complete the remediation program AND take your second chance assessment.  Please note that all second chance retakes will be different than the original assessment as per District guidelines.

Classroom Behavior Plan

Classroom Rules

  1. Everyone in the classroom has the right to learn.  No one may infringe upon that right.
  2. The teacher has the right to teach.  No one may infringe upon that right.
Procedures for Class Rule Violations
            First:                Warning
           Second:           Referral to the office for persistent misconduct (Phone call home)
 Students Following Class Rules
  • Will earn positive recognition in class
  • Will earn positive notes and/or phone calls home
  • Will earn special privileges such as independent time for self-selected activities (i.e. Library pass, computer time, interests, hobbies – talk with me about something you would like to do as an enrichment activity)

Behavior Expectations

A. Students must have the students handbook signed by a parent/guardian to receive an account.

B. Standard Etiquette

  1. Treat equipment professionally. Strike the keyboard gently. Notify teacher or any equipment problems.
  2. Computer settings are not to be changed or altered in any way.
  3. Avoid unauthorized use of the Internet, use of games, email, instant messaging, or chatting during class.
  4. Desk areas must be clean and uncluttered.
  5. Backpacks should be kept out of the way – under desks/out of the walkway
  6. Clear work area prior to leaving the classroom
  7. IPods/Music players, food, drinks are not permitted in the classroom.
  8. If late bring a pass with you – An excess of 3 lates will result in a referral to the office.
  9. Keep movement in the room to a minimum; please be patient. Use your resources.
  10. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up the missed work.  All missed assignments must be made up WITHIN 5 DAYS. If work is not completed, students will receive no credit for the assignment.
  11. Academic Dishonesty is not tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment and a behavioral referral to the Principal or Assistant Principal for further action. Common forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, copying from another student’s test/paper, discussing test materials, utilizing notes during assessment, and plagiarism from either paper or electronic sources. Copying and pasting material from the Internet is considered Plagiarism.

The Donegal High School faculty, staff, and administration make every effort to provide a positive and safe environment for our students.  With this in mind, Donegal High School has established the policy and procedures outlined below for addressing bullying in the school community.

Bullying Defined:  Bullying means any intentional written, electronic, verbal, or physical act or actions against another person that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have an effect of:
  • Placing a person in reasonable fear of substantial harm to his or her emotional or physical well-being or substantial damage to his or her property.
  • Creating a hostile, threatening, humiliating, or abusive educational environment due to the pervasiveness or persistence of actions due to a power differential between the bully and the target.
  • Interfering with a student having a safe school environment that is necessary to facilitate education performance, opportunities, and/or benefits.
  • Perpetuating bullying by inciting, soliciting, or coercing an individual or group to demean, dehumanize, or embarrass or cause emotional, psychological, or physical harm to another person.