Thursday, November 7, 2019

Introduction To Channels

EQ - How does an entrepreneur develop appropriate channels to communicate and reach a customer segment to deliver a value proposition?
  1. Activator - Google Me (Moonlight Baking Co.)
  2. Introduction to Channels
    1. Connection to Business Model
    2. Multiple Channels
    3. Channel Phases
  3. RA - Reading for Understanding
    1. Individually read the article
      1. Talk to the text
      2. Identify key ideas
      3. Summarize - What does this all mean?  Connect to CS & VP
        1. What you know.
        2. What you don't know.
    2. Partnership Collaboration
      1. Focus on understanding content
      2. How can MBC develop better channels to deliver VP to CS
  4. Regroup - Class Collaboration
    1. Summary of Key Ideas
      1. Define
      2. Phases
      3. Key Questions to Ask
    2. Cell phone company example

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