Friday, September 20, 2019

Intro to Entrepreneurial Economics

EQ - How do I find resources at a cost that will allow me to become profitable?

  1. EQ - How do entrepreneurs make economic decisions?
  2. Activator - Hybrid Model Description (Identify Goals)
    1. Direct
      1. Introduction to Opportunity Cost
      2. Reflection Questions in Schoology
    1. Collaborative
      1. Factors of Production
      2. Evaluate and Sort Activity
    2. Independent
      1. Profit Equation
      2. Word Problem
    3. Application of Concepts
      1. Collaborative Pairs - Coffee Shop
      2. Review of Key Concepts
      3. Reflection
        1. What factors of production were required to operate a successful coffee shop?
        2. Where did you experience opportunity costs during the simulation.  Specifically describe the exact situation.
        3. How did you use the profit equation during the simulation to be successful?  
    Lessons from the Coffee Shop
    1. TPS - Key Ideas Learned
  3. Calculating Price
    1. Review Profit Equation
    2. Review Price Equation
    3. Try It - Together
  4. Finding Resources
    1. Collaborative Pairs - Competitive Assignment
    2. Who can start a coffee shop for the least amount of capital expenditures.
      1. Two Laptops per partnership (1 for research, 1 for Recording)
      2. Google Sheets - Recording
  5. Prepare to Share
    1. Define Your Concept
    2. Total Cost of Startup
    3. Cost per Unit Sold
    4. Price to customers
    5. Profit 
    6. # of units sold to break even
  6. Q&A

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