Friday, November 18, 2016

Revenue Streams

EQ - Why are revenue streams vital to a business model?
  1. Activator - Anticipation Guide
  2. Revenue Streams
    1. Heart Analogy
    2. Handouts
      1. Actively Read
        1. What are revenue streams?
        2. Why is it important to understand revenue streams?
        3. What are some examples of revenue streams?
      2. Muddy Points 
  3. Assessment - How will your business generate sales?
    1. Use your understanding of your business model to develop revenue streams that will drive sales for your business.
    2. These revenue streams must meet the needs/wants of your customer segments.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Customer Relationships

Welcome back from the weekend!  The FBLA is attending the State Leadership Conference until Wednesday.  Ms. Ohlson will be here to assist you with your business model development.

If you remember to our last meeting, you received information regarding Customer Relationships.  Today's class aims to solidify your understanding of this building block.  

EQ - How do I develop customer relationships for my business?
  1. Activator - Padlet
    1. What makes a relationship successful?
    2. Why is it important for you to have a successful relationship?
  2. DDAP - 5 Ways to Build Customer Relationships
    1. Actively Read (jot down)
      • Key Words
      • Key Ideas
      • Key Topics
      • Questions
      • Things that make you go hmm.
    2. Summarize your reading in 1-2 paragraphs.
  3. Share and discuss your questions with a partner
  4. How will you build relationships with your customers?  
    • Remember who your customers are.
    • Remember what value you are proposing.
    • Remember how you will deliver this value.
    • How can you connect these to develop and sustain positive relationships with your customers?
  5. Rough Draft Cards
  6. TOD - Muddy Points relating to customer relationships

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Connecting Customer Segments to Value Propositions Through Channel Development

EQ - How does the right mix of Channels help bring a value proposition to market?
  1. Activator: Splashdown (KWL)
  2. Channels
    1. What are channels?
    2. 5 Channel Functions (The Why)
    3. Types
    4. Phases
  3. Team Challenge: 
    1. Create a list of channels used by _________ to communicate with its customer segments.
    2. Label each channel as an Owned Channel or a Partner Channel
    3. Label each channel as a Direct Channel or an Indirect Channel
    4. Identify the purpose of using each individual channel (refer to the bulleted list on page 26 for assistance)
  4. Together - Channel Timeline Description
  5. Revisit the KWL
  6. Muddy Points
  7. TPS - Brainstorm to develop your business's channels

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Intro to Channels

  1. AP - CP - Value Proposition Review
    1. Do you think your partner has chosen meaningful VP's?
    2. How do you know?
EQ - How does an entrepreneur develop appropriate channels to communicate and reach a customer segment to deliver a value proposition?
  1. Activator - Is there an announcements problem?  How do we solve it?
  2. Introduction to Channels
    1. Connection to Business Model
    2. Multiple Channels
    3. Channel Phases
  3. RA - Reading for Understanding
    1. Individually read the article
      1. Talk to the text
      2. Identify key ideas
      3. Summarize - What does this all mean?  Connect to CS & VP
        1. What you know.
        2. What you don't know.
    2. Partnership Collaboration
      1. Focus on understanding content
      2. Predict how your business will develop channels to deliver VP to CS
  4. Regroup - Class Collaboration
    1. Summary of Key Ideas
      1. Define
      2. Phases
      3. Key Questions to Ask
    2. Cell phone company example

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Business Development Day

EQ - How can I influence customers to choose my goods/services instead of my competitors'?
  1. Activator - Review Customer Segments and Value Propositions
  2. Quiz
    1. Google Drive Directions
    2. Quiz Distribution
  3. Business Development
    1. Review 
      1. Business Concept
      2. Customer Segment Evaluation
      3. Customer Persona
    2. Improvements
      1. Customer Segment Evaluation (other customer groups)
      2. Customer Persona
    3. Identify what combination of Value Propositions will most likely cause your customer segment to buy from you instead of the competition
      1. Evaluate the results of your Empathy Map and your Customer Persona to identify what really matters to these people
      2. List and Justify which Value Propositions meet the Customer Segment's needs and wants.
      3. List and Justify which Value Propositions DO NOT meet the Customer Segment's needs and wants.
  4. TOD 
    1. What is the easiest part about developing an understanding of what your customer wants?
    2. What is the hardest part?
    3. Which Value Propositions are you struggling to understand?