Monday, April 15, 2013

Customer Relationships

Welcome back from the weekend!  The FBLA is attending the State Leadership Conference until Wednesday.  Ms. Ohlson will be here to assist you with your business model development.

If you remember to our last meeting, you received information regarding Customer Relationships.  Today's class aims to solidify your understanding of this building block.  

EQ - How do I develop customer relationships for my business?
  1. Activator - Complete the Ticket In The Door
  2. DDAP - 5 Ways to Build Customer Relationships
    1. Actively Read (jot down)
      • Key Words
      • Key Ideas
      • Key Topics
      • Questions
      • Things that make you go hmm.
    2. Summarize your reading in 1-2 paragraphs.
  3. Share and discuss your questions with a partner
  4. How will you build relationships with your customers?  
    • Remember who your customers are.
    • Remember what value you are proposing.
    • Remember how you will deliver this value.
    • How can you connect these to develop and sustain positive relationships with your customers?
  5. Rough Draft Cards
  6. TOD - Muddy Points relating to customer relationships

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