Thursday, March 1, 2012

Exploring Expert Opinions

Today is all about exploring what the experts are offering.  What better place to get the viewpoints of expert entrepreneurs than Entrepreneur the Magazine!

The links provided at the bottom of this entry will allow you to navigate through various topics of customer segments and customer segmentation as it applies to our learning of entrepreneurship.

  1. Divide yourselves into 5 even groups (as even as possible).
  2. Browse and Read portions of the articles listed below (you may want to take notes for future reference)
  3. Formulate discussions with your group members regarding topics of your personal interest.  As you share your findings, direct each member to specific portions of the articles (aren't you glad you took those notes?)
  4. Dig deep into your curiosities and try to create a list of questions you may currently have AND/OR are forming as you read.  Share these questions with your group members and welcome feedback from your peers. 
  5. Return to your assigned seat and contemplate your business idea and SPECIFICALLY FOCUS ON THE KEY QUESTION (I promise I'm not yelling, only emphasizing) For whom are you creating value?
  6. Once this is determined, identify the specific needs and wants that these individuals or businesses have.
  7. Classify your customer segment according to your notes from our previous class meeting.
  8. If time permits - Create a BRAND NEW study guide that covers ALL information regarding customer segments.  This should include information from today's readings.  We will be having a quiz on customer segmentation next class.
**Links Chosen Especially For You**

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