Monday, January 27, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

EQ - What are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship?
  1. Quiz - Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
  2. Activator - Adora Discussion 
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship 
    1. Independent 
      1. Explore 3 different sources and identify the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship.
    2. Collaborative
      1. What are the 4 most significant advantages?
      2. What are the most significant disadvantages?
    3. Direct - Intro to the 4 Basic Types of Businesses
  4. Young Entrepreneur Investigation - Independent Project (Schoology)
    1. Demo 
    2. Project Directions
  5. Debriefing
    1. Share your Young Entrepreneur Story Project with as many students as you can.
    2. What characteristics of successful entrepreneurs do the founders share?
    1. AP - Self-Assessment: Is entrepreneurship right for you?
    2. TEST - Date Posted on Schoology

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