Friday, January 31, 2020

Unit 1 Assessment

EQ - How is entrepreneurship a viable career choice?
  1. Q&A
  2. Table Quiz
    1. Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
    2. Advantages & Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
    3. How can identifying a problem lead us to develop an entrepreneurial idea?
    4. What makes entrepreneurship a viable career option?
  3. Unit Exam
  4. If Time Permits 
    1. Article Distribution - 10 Tips for a Strong Start
    2. Actively read the article 
      1. Jot ideas and questions on a separate sheet of paper
      2. Write down words you don't yet know
      3. Highlight interesting points
    3. Pick one new idea/concept presented in the article
      1. Use Google to find out more about this new idea/concept
      2. Write down what you find out
    4. Share with a classmate or if it’s really cool, the entire class
  5. Debriefing (based on class discussion)

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


EQ - Is entrepreneurship right for me?
  1. Collaborative Groupings - Presentation of Entrepreneurs
    1. Groups
    2. Presentations
    3. Reflection Prompts
    4. Class Discussion
  2. Class Discussion - How can you determine whether or not you have these character traits?prove that you have these character traits?
  3. Self-assessment - What personality traits do you express that match the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?  How do you know? 
  4. Exam Prep
    1. Defining Entrepreneurship
    2. Defining Success
    3. Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
    4. Advantages of Entrepreneurship
    5. Types of Businesses
    6. Review entrepreneurs and the contributions they made to society
Unit Exam Next Class

Monday, January 27, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

EQ - What are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship?
  1. Quiz - Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
  2. Activator - Adora Discussion 
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship 
    1. Independent 
      1. Explore 3 different sources and identify the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship.
    2. Collaborative
      1. What are the 4 most significant advantages?
      2. What are the most significant disadvantages?
    3. Direct - Intro to the 4 Basic Types of Businesses
  4. Young Entrepreneur Investigation - Independent Project (Schoology)
    1. Demo 
    2. Project Directions
  5. Debriefing
    1. Share your Young Entrepreneur Story Project with as many students as you can.
    2. What characteristics of successful entrepreneurs do the founders share?
    1. AP - Self-Assessment: Is entrepreneurship right for you?
    2. TEST - Date Posted on Schoology

    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

     EQ - How do my character traits compare to those of a successful entrepreneur?
    1. Activator - TPS Splashdown: 

      1.  What does this mean to you?
      2. Who are some people who you consider to be successful?
      3. What characteristics of successful people do you value?
    2. Introduction to the Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
      1. *Graphic organizer - Schoology
      2. Compare and contrast the two lists?
    3. AP - Adora Svitak Ted Talk
      • Focus Area - What character traits has Adora demonstrated that show that she has what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
    DAY 2
    1. Activator - Adora Recap
    2. Introduction to Types of Businesses
      1. Collaborative Races
      2. Discussion & Examples
    3. AP - Knowledge Check
    4. Young Entrepreneur Investigation
      1. Young Entrepreneur Stories - Complete the Assignment

    DAY 3
    1. Presentation of Entrepreneurs
    2. TPS - Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
    3. Class Discussion - How can you determine whether or not you have these character traits?prove that you have these character traits?
    4. Self-assessment - What personality traits do you express that match the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?  How do you know? 
    Unit Exam Next Class

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    Welcome to Entrepreneurship

    EQ - How is entrepreneurship defined?
    1. Welcome to Entrepreneurship
    2. Classroom Policies & Procedures
    3. Syllabus Review
    4. Activator - I Want To Draw A Cat For You
    5. Splashdown *Discovery Questionnaire
    6. AP - Class Discussion: Review of Discovery Questionnaire*
    7. The Key to defining Entrepreneurship
      • Light bulbs vs. Money bags
    8. AP - Discussion Groups - What have you learned so far?
    9. *Revisiting "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" * Copyright You and Me This Morning
    10.  TPS
      • What are your thoughts regarding becoming an entrepreneur?  Explain using what you have learned about entrepreneurship today.
    11. Survey - Schoology Link
    12. TOD - Back of Notecard
      1. List 3 parts of your life that you feel passionate
      2. List 2 goals for yourself in this class.
      3. Ask Mr. Hill 1 meaningful question regarding this class, learning/teaching, or business.
    **Homework** Visit Schoology and to the discussion board with your definition of entrepreneurship