Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Where Do Good Ideas Come From

EQ - How can a person transform a good idea into a viable entrepreneurial venture?
  1. Activator - TPS Discussion - What makes an idea a good idea?
  2. Video - Steven Johnson suggests how good ideas are created. 
    1. Advance Organizer/Questionnaire
  3. AP – Small group summary: Where do good ideas come from?
  4. TPS - How does Ideation connect with the concept presented by Steven Johnson?
  5. Class Activity - Ideation in Practice - Silly Cow
    1. Introduction to Silly Cow
    2. Ideation Processing
    3. Small Group Presentations to Class
  6. Discussion Questions
    1. How does ideation differ from brainstorming?
    2. How is Steven Johnson's message evident in the ideation process?
  7. AP - Ideation Synopsis - Schoology Assignment - Due before next class

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