Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Empathy In Business

EQ - How does a business use empathy to connect with its customer segment?
    1. Discussion Question: How do we know if we have an idea that people will care enough about to support it?
    2. Cartoon Analysis - PowerPoint 
    3. Empathy In Business
      1. Actively Read the Perspective 
      2. Discussion Question - What message is the author trying to convey?
    4. Collaborative Pairs Ideation
      1. What might your customer segment(s) want from your company?
    5. Introduction to the Empathy Map "XPLANE"
    6. Empathy Map Example - Microsoft
    7. Try it Together - On the board
    8. Shifting Perspectives - No More Us Vs. Them  
    9. TOD - Answer the EQ
    10. HOMEWORK - 
    Quiz next class on empathy

    Wednesday, October 3, 2018

    Manipulating Supply and Demand

    EQ - How can a business owner manipulate supply and demand to gain an advantage?

    1. Supply and Demand Quiz
      1. Answer the questions on the board.
    2. Discussion Questions:
      1. How can we manipulate demand?
      2. How can we manipulate supply?
      3. Intro to Manipulating Supply and Demand (Notes)
      4. Back to Michael Michaels and his coffee shop
        1. With you row, identify ways that Michael can manipulate S&D
        2. Prepare to share with the class
      5. Class Share
      6. Debriefing

      Monday, October 1, 2018

      Intro to Supply and Demand

      1. Quiz - Calculating Profit

      EQ - How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
      1. Activator: The Hudsucker Proxy (video)
        1. Why does a business owner lower the prices of the products that they are not selling quickly?
        2. When would a business owner have to raise prices?
        3. What does a price increase communicate to customers about the product?
        4. What is the opportunity cost evidenced in the video?
        5. How do the events shown in the video impact profitability?
        6. What would you do differently?
      2. Debriefing
      3. Supply and Demand - econedlink (Ice Cream Cones)
        1. Law of Demand
          1. Demand Schedule
          2. Charting Demand
        2. Law of Supply
          1. Supply Schedule
          2. Charting Supply
      4. AP – How did the Hula Hoop scene indicated the Law of Demand - econedlink
      5. Muddy Point Questionnaire – What makes sense?  What doesn’t?
      6. Article Distribution
        1. Review Active Reading Strategies
        2. Read for Understanding
        3. Reflection Assignment - Schoology