Monday, February 19, 2018

Resource Acquisition

EQ - How do I find resources at a cost that will allow me to become profitable?

  1. Lessons from the Coffee Shop
    1. TPS - Key Ideas Learned
  2. Calculating Price
    1. Review Profit Equation
    2. Review Price Equation
    3. Try It - Together
  3. Finding Resources
    1. Collaborative Pairs - Competitive Assignment
    2. Who can start a coffee shop for the least amount of capital expenditures.
      1. Two Laptop per partnership (1 for research, 1 for Recording)
      2. Google Sheets - Recording
  4. Prepare to Share
    1. Define Your Concept
    2. Total Cost of Startup
    3. Cost per Unit Sold
    4. Price to customers
    5. Profit 
    6. # of units sold to break even
  5. Q&A

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