Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

EQ - How can a person transform a good idea into a viable entrepreneurial venture?
  1. Activator - TPS Discussion - What makes an idea a good idea?
  2. Video - Steven Johnson suggests how good ideas are created. 
    1. Advance Organizer/Questionnaire
  3. AP – Small group summary: Where do good ideas come from?
  4. TPS - How does Ideation connect with the concept presented by Steven Johnson?
  5. Class Activity - Ideation in Practice - Silly Cow
    1. Introduction to Silly Cow
    2. Ideation Processing
    3. Small Group Presentations to Class
  6. Debriefing
  7. Reflection - Submit to Schoology
    1. How does ideation differ from brainstorming?
    2. How can this be applied to our class moving forward?
  8. Preview of next class - Project Based Learning

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