Friday, November 6, 2015

Introduction to Channels

EQ - How does an entrepreneur develop appropriate channels to communicate and reach a customer segment to deliver a value proposition?
  1. Fix the Schoology Submission
  2. Activator - Is there an announcements problem?  How do we solve it?
  3. Introduction to Channels
    1. Connection to Business Model
    2. Multiple Channels
    3. Channel Phases
  4. RA - Reading for Understanding
    1. Individually read the article
      1. Talk to the text
      2. Identify key ideas
      3. Summarize - What does this all mean?  Connect to CS & VP
        1. What you know.
        2. What you don't know.
    2. Partnership Collaboration
      1. Focus on understanding content
      2. Predict how your business will develop channels to deliver VP to CS
  5. Regroup - Class Collaboration
    1. Summary of Key Ideas
      1. Define
      2. Phases
      3. Key Questions to Ask
    2. Cell phone company example

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