Thursday, October 15, 2015


EQ - How does a business use empathy to connect with its customer segment?
EQ - How can an entrepreneur use empathy to better design a business model?
  1. Activator: Cartoon
    1. PowerPoint 
  2. Empathy In Business
    1. Actively Read the Perspective 
    2. Discussion Question - What message is the author trying to convey?
  3. Collaborative Pairs Brainstorming
    1. What might your customer segment(s) want?
  4. Introduction to the Empathy Map "XPLANE"
  5. Empathy Map Example - Microsoft 
  6. Try it Together - On the board
  7. Shifting Perspectives - No More Us Vs. Them  
  8. TOD - Answer the EQ
 EQ - How does an entrepreneur select a profitable customer segment?
  1. Mini-lesson - Empathy Map
  2. Try It - Your Business Concept
  3. Developing a Customer Persona
  4. Jigsaw - 5 basic customer segments
  5. Discussion - How can we use the results of our empathy map to determine our customer segment?
  6. Define your business's customer segment
    1. Use your notes & customer persona
    2. Justify your decision in 1 paragraph 

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