Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Value Propositions

EQ - How is a value proposition developed?
  1. Activator - Discussion Questions
    1. What does value mean to you?
    2. What does value mean to your potential customers?
  2. Introduction to Value Propositions *Graphic Organizer*
    1. What is a VP?
    2. What are the elements of a VP?
    3. Define "value-added"
    4. 11 types of VPs
    5. Key Questions when determining VPs
  3. TOD - AP - How can a customer persona help determine a company's value proposition?

Thursday, October 15, 2015


EQ - How does a business use empathy to connect with its customer segment?
EQ - How can an entrepreneur use empathy to better design a business model?
  1. Activator: Cartoon
    1. PowerPoint 
  2. Empathy In Business
    1. Actively Read the Perspective 
    2. Discussion Question - What message is the author trying to convey?
  3. Collaborative Pairs Brainstorming
    1. What might your customer segment(s) want?
  4. Introduction to the Empathy Map "XPLANE"
  5. Empathy Map Example - Microsoft 
  6. Try it Together - On the board
  7. Shifting Perspectives - No More Us Vs. Them  
  8. TOD - Answer the EQ
 EQ - How does an entrepreneur select a profitable customer segment?
  1. Mini-lesson - Empathy Map
  2. Try It - Your Business Concept
  3. Developing a Customer Persona
  4. Jigsaw - 5 basic customer segments
  5. Discussion - How can we use the results of our empathy map to determine our customer segment?
  6. Define your business's customer segment
    1. Use your notes & customer persona
    2. Justify your decision in 1 paragraph 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Unit 2 Exam

  1. Q&A
  2. Unit 2 Exam
  3. Exam Survey

    1. Activator - Silly Cow
    2. Brainstorming Rules
      1. Stay Focused
      2. Enforce Rules
      3. Think Visually
      4. Prepare

Monday, October 5, 2015

Determining Price

EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit
  1. Activator - Key Concept Check-in
    1. Supply and Demand Quiz Review
  2. The Profit Equation *PPT
    1. Revenue
    2. Expenses (Fixed/Variable)
  3. Calculating Profit
  4. The Supply and Demand Connection
  5. Try It - Develop a Profit Equation
  6. Making Connections
    1. Answer all 3 LEQ's
    2. Use your answers to explain how economic decisions are made.
  7. Revisiting the Activator
    1. TodaysMeet

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Determining Demand

EQ - How do I determine if demand exists for my product offering?
  1.  Introduction
  2. Individually review supply, demand, equilibrium
  3. Quiz their table partner on the terms
  4. Clear desks (they may have a pen or a pencil)
  5. Supply and Demand graphing quiz
    1. Complete the quiz and submit it to the top bin on the laptop cart when finished.
    2. Take the packet next to the bin.
  6. Active Reading Assignment
    1. Begin reviewing the packet as follows:
      1. Frame the contents (Skim the article to define the author’s purpose 
      2. Highlight/underline key vocabulary terms
      3. Read the article and “Talk to the text” (write notes, questions, key ideas, etc. all over the packet).  These are typically items that you believe are important.  If you make highlights, you must also make a notation
      4. Summarize the contents of the packet
      5. Define the author’s purpose in writing the content.
  7. Business Development – Find a million dollars’ worth of customers
  8. Access laptops to begin developing a business concept for this class.  Use the advice presented in the reading.