Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Supply and Demand Continued

EQ - How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
  1. Activator: The Hudsucker Proxy (video)
    1. Why does a business owner lower the prices of the products that they are not selling quickly?
    2. When would a business owner have to raise prices?
    3. What does a price increase communicate to customers about the demand for that product?
  2. Review Supply and Demand - econedlink
    1. Law of Demand
      1. Demand Schedule
      2. Charting Demand
    2. Law of Supply
      1. Supply Schedule
      2. Charting Supply
  3. AP – How did the Hula Hoop scene indicated the Law of Demand - econedlink
  4. Debriefing
  5. Muddy Point Questionnaire – What makes sense?  What doesn’t?
  6. Similarities between the Hula Hoop and Silly Bands
  7. Silly Bands - Case Study
    1. Background on Silly Bandz (USA Today)
    2. The End of a Trend (USA Today)
  8. AP - What could the producers of Silly Bandz do in order to provide more of their product to their customers?
  9. TOD – Supply and Demand, Lessons from Toy Fads

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