Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Empathy In Business

EQ - How does a business use empathy to connect with its customer segment?
EQ - How can an entrepreneur use empathy to better design a business model?
  1. Activator: Cartoon
    1. PowerPoint 
  2. Empathy In Business
    1. Actively Read the Perspective 
    2. Discussion Question - What message is the author trying to convey?
  3. Collaborative Pairs Brainstorming
    1. What might your customer segment(s) want?
  4. Introduction to the Empathy Map "XPLANE"
  5. Empathy Map Example - Microsoft 
  6. Try it Together - On the board
  7. Shifting Perspectives - No More Us Vs. Them  
  8. TOD - Answer the EQ
 EQ - How does an entrepreneur select a profitable customer segment?
  1. Mini-lesson - Empathy Map
  2. Try It - DHS Cafeteria
  3. Developing a Customer Persona
  4. Jigsaw - 5 basic customer segments
    1. Justify how the cafeteria could serve each type of customer segment
  5. Discussion - How can we use the results of our empathy map to determine our customer segment?
  6. Define your business's customer segment
    1. Use your notes & customer persona
    2. Justify your decision in 1 paragraph 


  1. Bridget Herr
    Customer Segments:
    -They help entrepreneurs better satisfy their customers
    -Are grouped according to common needs, beliefs, or other attributes
    -A business model is designed around customer segments
    -Customer segments define who an enterprise is trying to reach/serve
    -Some examples of customer segments are mass market, niche market, segmented, diversified, and multi-sided platforms

  2. things I learned about customer segments:
    *there are more than one specific segment
    *these can be used to our business advantage
    *customer segments are NOT synonymous with customers
    -Rachel Stynes

  3. Mariah Forrey
    Things I learned about customer segments:
    -There are five different types.
    -Customer segments are reached through different distribution channels.
    -Your business model is designed around your customer segments.

  4. Joe Johns
    Customer Segments:
    -There are five different types of customer segments: Mass, Niche, Segmented, Diversified and multi-sided platforms
    -Customers may be dived into groups based on common needs, common behaviors, or other attributes
    -Mass and Niche segments are opposites and segmented and diversified segments are similar but different

  5. Ethan Snyder
    Three things I learned about Customer Segments
    -The five types of customer segments
    -Their can be one large group or multiple small segments
    -To reach an appeal to the costumer we must know the customer better than they know themselves

  6. most are grouped together
    what each of them do
    how they help each other
