Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Is Entrepreneurship Right For Me?

EQ - Is entrepreneurship right for me?
  1. Activator - What do you think it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
    1. CP Activity (10-11)
    2. Update your list
  2. Discussion - Which of the characteristics from your reading do you most possess?
  3. Self-assessment - What personality traits do you express that match the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?  How do you know? *handout* 
  4. Homework/Study Help - Quizlet
  5. Meet a young entrepreneur
  6. Teamwork - As a class, list Adora's personal traits that have contributed to her success as an entrepreneur.
  7. Self Assessment - Is entrepreneurship right for you? Why or why not?
  8. Partnership Activity
    1. Choose a successful entrepreneur.
    2. List the traits and aptitudes that have contributed to his/her success.
    3. Create a brief overview of this Trep to present to the class.
 EQ - What are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship?
  1. Activator - The Downside*
  2. Class Discussion
  3. Sim-Card Foldable - Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
  4. Advantages & Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
  5. TPS - What Went Wrong? (p.13)  
  6. Today's Meet Questionnaire - Do the adv. outweigh the disadv.? Why or why not?
  7. Class Brainstorm - Names of Local Businesses
    1. List on Board
    2. Can we categorize these in any way? How?
  8. Sim-Card Foldable - Introduction to 4 Types of Business
  9. Can we categorize our list in a different way?
  10. Today's Meet Questionnaire - Based upon your personal characteristics, which type of business do you think you'd be most successful operating?

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