Thursday, January 19, 2012

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

 EQ - How do my character traits compare to those of a successful entrepreneur?
  1. Activator:  Soul Pancake "Success"
    • Read the quotes
    • Compose your thoughts on you reading.
  2. Key Terminology AO
  3. Table Activity (p 4-7)
  4. Discussion - What do you think it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
  5. Table Activity (10-11)
  6. Discussion - Which of the characteristics from your reading do you most possess?
  7. Young Entrepreneur Stories- Complete the Assignment
  8. Write at least 2 characteristics on the board
  9. Class Discussion
  10.  Homework - Self-assessment - What personality traits do you express that match the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?  How do you know?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, characteristics like hard-work, ambition, passion, patience or determination helped famous entrepreneurs like Yuri Mintskovsky or Warren Buffett achieve success in their business. If you want to become a successful entrepreneur nowadays, you'll surely need these qualities.
