Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Advantages & Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

EQ - What are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship?
  1. Activator - Adora Discussion
  2. Give One Get One
    1. Share your Young Entrepreneur Story Project with as many students as you can.
    2. What characteristics of successful entrepreneurs do the founders share?
  3. Class Collaboration - List the names of businesses on the board. 
    1. Intro to 4 types of businesses
    2. Class Evaluation
  4. Collaborative Pair Analysis
    1. 30 for 30 - Categorize
  5. Quiz
  6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship 
    1. Independent 
      1. Explore 3 different sources and identify the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship.
    2. Collaborative
      1. What are the 4 most significant advantages?
      2. What are the most significant disadvantages?
  7. AP - Self-Assessment: Is entrepreneurship right for you?
  8. TEST - 2 Classes From Now

Friday, August 23, 2019

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

EQ - How do I display the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs in my life?

  1. Activator - Success Quotes
  2. Intro to Hybrid
    1. Direct - Defining Success
    2. Independent - Exploring Successful Entrepreneurs
    3. Collaboration - Identifying thee Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
  3. Reflection Assignment - Schoology

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Welcome to Entrepreneurship

EQ - How is entrepreneurship defined?
  1. Welcome to Entrepreneurship
  2. Classroom Policies & Procedures
  3. Syllabus Review
  4. Activator - I Want To Draw A Cat For You
  5. Splashdown *Discovery Questionnaire
  6. AP - Class Discussion: Review of Discovery Questionnaire*
  7. The Key to defining Entrepreneurship
    • Light bulbs vs. Money bags
  8. AP - Discussion Groups - What have you learned so far?
  9. *Revisiting "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" * Copyright You and Me This Morning
  10.  TPS
    • What are your thoughts regarding becoming an entrepreneur?  Explain using what you have learned about entrepreneurship today.
  11. Survey - Schoology Link
  12. TOD - Back of Notecard
    1. List 3 parts of your life that you feel passionate
    2. List 2 goals for yourself in this class.
    3. Ask Mr. Hill 1 meaningful question regarding this class, learning/teaching, or business.
**Homework** Visit Schoology and to the discussion board with your definition of entrepreneurship