Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Introduction to Channels

EQ - How does an entrepreneur develop appropriate channels to communicate and reach a customer segment to deliver a value proposition?
  1. Activator - Google Me (Moonlight Baking Co.)
  2. Introduction to Channels
    1. Connection to Business Model
    2. Multiple Channels
    3. Channel Phases
  3. RA - Reading for Understanding
    1. Individually read the article
      1. Talk to the text
      2. Identify key ideas
      3. Summarize - What does this all mean?  Connect to CS & VP
        1. What you know.
        2. What you don't know.
    2. Partnership Collaboration
      1. Focus on understanding content
      2. How can MBC develop better channels to deliver VP to CS
  4. Regroup - Class Collaboration
    1. Summary of Key Ideas
      1. Define
      2. Phases
      3. Key Questions to Ask
    2. Cell phone company example

Monday, March 5, 2018

Manipulating Supply and Demand

EQ - How can a business owner manipulate supply and demand to gain an advantage?

  1. Supply and Demand Quiz
  2. When finished:
    1. Take out article from last class
    2. Answer the questions on the board.
      1. How can we manipulate demand?
      2. How can we manipulate supply?
  3. Back to Michael Michaels and his coffee shop
    1. With you row, identify ways that Michael can manipulate S&D
    2. Prepare to share with the class
  4. Class Share
  5. Debriefing
  6. Study Guide Distribution
  7. Unit Exam Next Class