Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

 EQ - How do my character traits compare to those of a successful entrepreneur?
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown: 
    1. Success Handout - What does this mean to you?
    2. Who are some people who you consider to be successful?
    3. What characteristics of successful people do you value?
  2. Introduction to the Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
    1. *Graphic organizer
    2. Compare and contrast the two lists?
  3. AP - Adora Svitak Ted Talk
    • Focus Area - What character traits has Adora demonstrated that show that she has what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
  4. Young Entrepreneur Investigation
    1. Young Entrepreneur Stories - Complete the Assignment
  5. Presentation of Entrepreneurs
  6. Class Discussion - How can you determine whether or not you have these character traits?prove that you have these character traits?
  7. Homework - Self-assessment - What personality traits do you express that match the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?  How do you know? *

Friday, August 26, 2016

Where do Good Ideas Come From?

EQ - How can a person transform a good idea into a viable entrepreneurial venture?
  1. Activator - What is entrepreneurship?
    1. Commenting on Schoology (Laptop Assignments)
  2. Gyrate Your Genius *Credit to Soul Pancake*
    1. Think of a problem that irritates you.
    2. Channel your inner inventor
    3. Create a solution.  No matter how far-fetched it seems, sketch it out and name it.
  3. TPS Discussion - What makes an idea a good idea?
  4. Video - Steven Johnson suggests how good ideas are created.  After watching the video we will share our inner genius with others and see if our ideas can grow together.
  5. AP – Small group summary: Where do good ideas come from?
  6. Share your Gyrate Your Genius projects with your small groups and utilize Steven Johnson’s research to create a good idea for a business
    1. White Board Drawing
  7. AP - Museum Walk & Handout- Place your images around the room. Complete the handout. 
    1. Handout
  8. Class Discussion
    1. Collaboration Opportunities?
    2. Favorite Idea?
    3. Most Likely To Succeed?
  9. AP - Collaborative Pairs - How could you turn your idea into a business?
  10. TOD - How can I develop a good idea to become an entrepreneur?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome to Entrepreneurship

EQ - How is entrepreneurship defined?
  1. Welcome to Entrepreneurship
  2. Classroom Policies & Procedures
  3. Syllabus Review
  4. Activator - I Want To Draw A Cat For You
  5. Splashdown *Discovery Questionnaire
  6. AP - Class Discussion: Review of Discovery Questionnaire*
  7. The Key to defining Entrepreneurship
    • Light bulbs vs. Money bags
  8. AP - Discussion Groups - What have you learned so far?
  9. *Revisiting "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" * Copyright You and Me This Morning
  10.  TPS
    • What are your thoughts regarding becoming an entrepreneur?  Explain using what you have learned about entrepreneurship today.
  11. TOD - Back of Notecard
    1. List 3 parts of your life that you feel passionate
    2. List 2 goals for yourself in this class.
    3. Ask Mr. Hill 1 meaningful question regarding this class, learning/teaching, or business.
**Homework** Visit Schoology and to the discussion board with your definition of entrepreneurship