Friday, August 28, 2015

Good Ideas

EQ - How can a person transform a good idea into a viable entrepreneurial venture?
  1. Activator - What is entrepreneurship?
    1. Commenting on the class website
  2. Gyrate Your Genius *Credit to Soul Pancake*
    1. Think of a problem that irritates you.
    2. Channel your inner inventor
    3. Create a solution.  No matter how far-fetched it seems, sketch it out and name it.
  3. TPS Discussion - What makes an idea a good idea?
  4. Video - Steven Johnson suggests how good ideas are created.  After watching the video we will share our inner genius with others and see if our ideas can grow together.
  5. AP – Small group summary: Where do good ideas come from?
  6. Share your Gyrate Your Genius projects with your small groups and utilize Steven Johnson’s research to create a good idea for a business
    1. White Board Drawing
  7. AP - Museum Walk & Handout- Place your images around the room. Complete the handout. 
    1. Handout
  8. Class Discussion
    1. Collaboration Opportunities?
    2. Favorite Idea?
    3. Most Likely To Succeed?
  9. AP - Collaborative Pairs - How could you turn your idea into a business?
  10. TOD - How can I develop a good idea to become an entrepreneur?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome to Entrepreneurship

EQ - How is entrepreneurship defined?
  1. Welcome to Entrepreneurship
  2. Classroom Policies & Procedures
  3. Syllabus Review
  4. Activator - I Want To Draw A Cat For You
  5. Splashdown *Discovery Questionnaire
  6. AP - Class Discussion: Review of Discovery Questionnaire*
  7. The Key to defining Entrepreneurship
    • Light bulbs vs. Money bags
  8. AP - Discussion Groups - What have you learned so far?
  9. *Revisiting "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" * Copyright You and Me This Morning
  10.  TPS
    • What are your thoughts regarding becoming an entrepreneur?  Explain using what you have learned about entrepreneurship today.
  11. Gyrate Your Genius *Credit to Soul Pancake*
    1. Think of a problem that irritates you.
    2. Channel your inner inventor
    3. Create a solution.  No matter how far-fetched it seems, sketch it out and name it.
  12. TOD - Back of Notecard
    1. List 3 parts of your life that you feel passionate
    2. List 2 goals for yourself in this class.
    3. Ask Mr. Hill 1 meaningful question regarding this class, learning/teaching, or business.
**Homework** Visit the class website and comment on this post with your definition of entrepreneurship