Thursday, January 30, 2014

Welcome to Entrepreneurship

EQ - What is entrepreneurship?
  1. Activator - I Want To Draw A Cat For You
  2. Splashdown *Discovery Questionnaire
  3. Class Discussion
  4. The Key to defining Entrepreneurship
    • Light bulbs vs. Money bags
  5. Class Discussion - What have you learned so far?
  6. *Revisiting "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" * Copyright You and Me This Morning
  7.  TOD
    • What are your thoughts regarding becoming an entrepreneur?  Explain using what you have learned about entrepreneurship today.
**Homework** Visit the class website and comment on this post with your definition of entrepreneurship

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Business Plan Generation

EQ - How can I effectively write a business plan?
  1. Activator - 3 Keys Conversation
  2. Business Plan Rubric Highlighting
  3. A closer look at Operations
  4. Project Work Time
  5. TOD - Comment on your Operations Section of the paper