Friday, September 28, 2012

Project Based Learning

EQ - How do entrepreneurs make economic decisions?
  1. Homework Review
  2. Activator: Kindle Fire
  3. Emerging Business Issues Event
    1. Introduction
    2. Team Assignments
    3. Directions
    4. Work Time
  4. Regrouping
  5. Unit Exam Prep
**Unit Exam Next Class**

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Price Determination

EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit?
  1. Activator: What do you know about price?
  2. Introduce Price Equation
  3. Vocabulary
    • Costs
    • Fixed Costs
    • Variable Costs
  4. Introduce Profit Equation
  5. Discussion Questions: 
    • How can we increase our profit?
    • How do you know how much a customer will pay? (*hint* last class)
    • How can we reduce our costs?
  6. TPS - Making the connection and answering the EQ
  7. TOD or homework - After today's lesson, why is the outsourcing of American jobs a viable option for American companies ? (Feel free to discuss this with your family)EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Supply and Demand

 EQ - How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
  1. Review TOD
  2. Activator: Supply and Demand Game
  3. Vocabulary Review - Opportunity Cost and Scarcity 
  4. TPS - Focus on Economics (p. 49)
  5. Intro to the S & D curves
    1. Demand 
    2. Supply
    3. Equilibrium
    4. Surplus v. Deficit
  6. Knowledge Check (Question #1 p. 54)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Entrepreneurial View of Economics

UEQ - How do entrepreneurs make economic decisions?

LEQ - How are the factors of production impacted by consumer needs and wants?
  1. Activator: TPS -  Ideas In Action (p. 35)
  2. Vocab Preview *
  3. Table Groups: Focus on Economics (p. 36)
  4. Chalk Talk: Identifying Needs and Wants
  5. The Role of Businesses & Entrepreneurs
  6. Introduction to Factors of Production
  7. Local Business Breakdown
    1. Choose a local business
    2. What need/want does this business fill?
    3. What resources are used to fill this need/want?
    4. Classify these resources by type of factors of production
  8. TOD - Assessment 2.1 (p. 41)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Unit 1 Exam

EQ - How can I justify becoming an entrepreneur?
  1. Q&A
  2. Table Quiz
    1. Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
    2. Advantages & Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
    3. How can identifying a problem lead us to develop an entrepreneurial idea?
    4. What makes entrepreneurship a viable career option?
  3. Unit Exam
  4. Richard Branson's 5 Rules for Good Business
    1. Actively read the article 
      1. Jot ideas and questions in the margins
      2. Write down words you don't yet know
      3. Highlight interesting points
    2. Pick one new idea/concept presented in the article
      1. Use Google to find out more about this new idea/concept
      2. Write down what you find out
    3. Share with a classmate or if its really cool, the entire class
  5. If Time Permits - Entrepreneur presentations (continued)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Advantages & Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship

EQ - When considering both the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship, why is it a viable career option?
  1. Activator - Family Feud Review
  2. Classifying Business Project
    1. Choose a company you know (or from the list)
    2. Research the history
    3. Summarize the history of the company
      1. Include the type of business
      2. The entrepreneur(s) who started the business
      3. Characteristics of the entrepreneur(s) that made the company successful
      4. Where did the idea for business generate?
    1. Prepare to present your findings
  3. Project Presenations (30 - 60 seconds)
  4. The Downside - Handout with Application
  5. Sim Card Foldable - Listing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
  6. TOD –
    1. List and describe the 4 categories of business that exist.
    2. What made the entrepreneur(s) willing to take the risk to own and operate a business? 
    3. What would inspire you to become an entrepreneur?
    4. Construct support to explain why entrepreneurship is a viable career option? (Use content from all previous classes)
  7. Unit 1 Exam Preparation
Test Next Class 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Types of Business & Entrepreneurs

 EQ - Why is entrepreneurship a viable career option?
  1. Q & A
  2. Activator: Splashdown 4 types of businesses
  3. Types of Business w/ examples
    1. Sim-card Foldable
    2. Description
    3. Examples
  4. Group Try It
    1. Google
    2. Sony
    3. Exxon Mobile
    4.  Hollister
  5. Classifying Business
    • Choose a company you know (or from the list)
    • Research the history
    • Summarize the history of the company
      1. Include the type of business
      2. The entrepreneur(s) who started the business
      3. Characteristics of the entrepreneur(s) that made the company successful
      4. Where did the idea for business generate?
    • Prepare to present your findings
  6. The Downside - 
  7. TOD –
    • List and describe the 4 categories of business that exist.
    • What made the entrepreneur(s) willing to take the risk to own and operate a business? 
    • What would inspire you to become an entrepreneur?
    • Construct support to explain why entrepreneurship is a viable career option? (Use content from all previous classes)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Updated Link


Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs Continued

*Please prepare for class by reviewing your notes from our last meeting AND taking out your homework.*

 EQ - How do my character traits compare to those of a successful entrepreneur?
  1. Activator: Hot Seat Scribe
  2. Reading Recap 
  3. Homework Recap
  4. Discussion - Which of the characteristics from your reading do you most possess?
  5. Activator - Adora Svitak Ted Talk
  6. Young Entrepreneur Stories- Complete the Assignment
  7. Write at least 2 characteristics on the board
  8. Class Discussion
  9. Homework - Self-assessment - What personality traits do you express that match the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?  How do you know?