Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pricing Strategy

EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit?
  1. Activator: What do you know about price?
  2. Introduce Price Equation
  3. Vocabulary
    • Costs
    • Fixed Costs
    • Variable Costs
  4. Introduce Profit Equation
  5. Discussion Questions: 
    • How can we increase our profit?
    • How do you know how much a customer will pay? (*hint* last class)
    • How can we reduce our costs?
  6. TPS - Making the connection and answering the EQ
  7. TOD or homework  - After today's lesson, why is the outsourcing of American jobs a viable option for American companies ? (Feel free to discuss this with your family)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Supply and Demand Continued

EQ - How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
  1. Refresh: Supply and Demand Game
  2. Vocabulary Review - Opportunity Cost, Scarcity, Factors of Production
  3. Review the S & D curves
  4. Making the Connection of S & D
    1. Demand 
    2. Supply
    3. Equilibrium
    4. Surplus v. Deficit
  5. Discussion Question: How are prices determined? 
  6. Discussion Question 2: How can S & D impact price?
  7. Knowledge Check (Question #1 p. 54)

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Brief Overview of Supply and Demand

EQ - How do supply and demand impact pricing strategies for entrepreneurs?
  1. Activator: Supply and Demand Game
  2. Vocabulary Review - Opportunity Cost and Scarcity 
  3. TPS - Focus on Economics (p. 49)
  4. Intro to the S & D curves
    1. Demand 
    2. Supply
    3. Equilibrium
    4. Surplus v. Deficit
  5. Knowledge Check (Question #1 p. 54)
EQ - How is price determined so an entrepreneur can make a profit?
  1. Activator: What do you know about price?
  2. Introduce Price Equation
  3. Vocabulary
    • Costs
    • Fixed Costs
    • Variable Costs
  4. Introduce Profit Equation
  5. Discussion Questions: 
    • How can we increase our profit?
    • How do you know how much a customer will pay? (*hint* last class)
    • How can we reduce our costs?
  6. TPS - Making the connection and answering the EQ
  7. TOD or homework  - After today's lesson, why is the outsourcing of American jobs a viable option for American companies ? (Feel free to discuss this with your family)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Entrepreneurial Focus on Economics

EQ - How are economic decisions made?
  1. Activator: TPS -  Ideas In Action (p. 35)
  2. Vocab Preview *
  3. Table Groups: Focus on Economics (p. 36)
  4. Chalk Talk: Identifying Needs and Wants
  5. The Role of Businesses & Entrepreneurs
  6. Introduction to Factors of Production
  7. Local Business Breakdown
    1. Choose a local business
    2. What need/want does this business fill?
    3. What resources are used to fill this need/want?
    4. Classify these resources by type of factors of production
  8. TOD - Assessment 2.1 (p. 41)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Unit Assessment - Intro to Entrepreneurship

EQ - How is entrepreneurship a viable career option for me?
  1. Activator: Q & A
  2. Unit Assessment
  3. Build Your Business Plan (p. 31)
  4. TOD - One potential business idea

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finilizing your Entrepreneur Project

EQ - What patterns are evident in entrepreneurial success stories?
  1. Q&A
  2. Table Quiz
    1. Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
    2. Advantages & Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
    3. How can identifying a problem lead us to develop an entrepreneurial idea?
    4. What makes entrepreneurship a viable career option?
  3. Finalize Project Research & Table Presentations
  4. TOD –
    1. What made the entrepreneur(s) willing to take the risk to own and operate a business? 
    2. What would inspire you to become an entrepreneur?
      1. What makes entrepreneurship a viable career option? (Use content from all previous classes)
    3.  Create a study guide for Monday's exam (if time permits)

      Tuesday, September 13, 2011

      Entrepreneur Project

      EQ -  What makes entrepreneurship a viable career option?
      1. Activator: Splashdown 4 types of businesses
      2. Jigsaw Review- Types of Businesses (p. 5-6)
      3. Classifying Business
        • Choose a company you know (or from the list)
        • Research the history
        • Summarize the history of the company
          1. Include the type of business
          2. The entrepreneur(s) who started the business
          3. Characteristics of the entrepreneur(s) that made the company successful
          4. Where did the idea for business generate?
        • Prepare to present to your table group
      4. TOD –
        • What made the entrepreneur(s) willing to take the risk to own and operate a business? 
        • What would inspire you to become an entrepreneur?
        • What makes entrepreneurship a viable career option? (Use content from all previous classes)
       *Unit Test Next Class*

        Wednesday, September 7, 2011

        Types of Entrepreneurial Businesses

        EQ - How are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship differentiated?
        1. Activator: What went wrong? (p. 13)
        2. Risk 
        3. TPS - Advantages and Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
        4. Review Self-Assessment
          • What attributes do you possess that would make you a successful entrepreneur?
          • What are some things you really enjoy doing?
          • How do the advantages and disadvantages of E relate to your self-assessment?
          •  In your opinion, what risks would you take to become an entrepreneur?
        5. Activator: The story of Google
        6. Jigsaw - Types of Businesses (p. 5-6)
        7. Classifying Business
          • Choose a company you know (or from the list)
          • Research the history
          • Summarize the history of the company
            1. Include the type of business
            2. The entrepreneur(s) who started the business
            3. Characteristics of the entrepreneur(s) that made the company successful
            4. Where did the idea for business generate?
          • Prepare to present to your table group
        8. TOD –
          • What made the entrepreneur(s) willing to take the risk to own and operate a business? 
          • What would inspire you to become an entrepreneur?